The documentary is about an Afghan teenage girl who lives in Shiraz, Iran, and reluctantly gets married to her late sister’s husband under the pressure of her family.
After a while, she escapes from home due to her husband and her brother’s torture and beating. She becomes a refugee to the welfare organization of Shiraz.
The Zarei brothers narrate the story of Khatameh’s life from the moment she took refuge in the welfare organization’s help center to file for divorce.
‘Khatemeh’ won the awards for Best Director for Full-length Documentary and Best Editing at the 12th Cinema Vérité, Iran’s major international documentary film festival.
Asian Movie Pluse’s purpose is to deal with all aspects of Asian cinema, from its lowest depths (student, amateur films) to its highest peaks (where Parasite is now).
At the same time, they aim to promote the work of the entire continent through an approach, though, that is characterized by objectivity, but also by a deep love for cinema and the realization of how difficult it is to fund, shoot, and produce a motion picture.