Raft Films


‘Khatemeh’ in Italy and Spain

The documentary, made by Zarei brothers – Mehdi and Hadi – will be screened at Italy’s Life After Oil, which is scheduled for September, and Spain’s FicoNova Film Festival which will be held later.

Khatemeh in Italy and Spain.

The documentary, made by Zarei brothers – Mehdi and Hadi – will be screened at Italy’s Life After Oil, which is scheduled for September, and Spain’s FicoNova Film Festival which will be held later.

The documentary, made by Zarei brothers – Mehdi and Hadi – will be screened at Italy’s Life After Oil, which is scheduled for September, and Spain’s FicoNova Film Festival which will be held later.
The movie is about an Afghan teenage girl who lives in Shiraz, Iran, and reluctantly gets married to her late sister’s husband under the pressure of her family.
Khatemeh has already been displayed in the US, Leipzig, Florence, Prague, and Cinema Verite.