We are thrilled to announce that The Route, an animated short film distributed by Raft Film Company, has been officially selected to participate in the Grand Competition at the 2024 Seoul Independent Animation Festival, also known as Seoul Indie-AniFest. This acclaimed festival, organized by the Korean Independent Animation Filmmakers’ Association (KIAFA), will be held from September 26 to October 1 and serves as a key platform for showcasing the best independent animations from Korea and across Asia.
Directed by Babak Beigi, The Route explores the psychological unraveling of a truck driver burdened by a dark duty — transporting victims to their fate. Set in a stark, desolate landscape, the film delves into the moral and emotional toll of such a responsibility, challenging the protagonist to confront the grim reality of his role in a cycle of violence. The haunting narrative is further elevated by the atmospheric sound design of Zohreh Aliakbari, evocative background art by Denag Malekian, and an emotionally stirring score composed by Tohid Foruzan.
The selection of The Route for Indie-AniFest follows its recent inclusion in the Grand Competition at Animafest Zagreb, one of the world’s most esteemed animation festivals. Being chosen for yet another prestigious festival is a testament to the film’s compelling storytelling, unique artistic vision, and the immense talent of its creative team.
Seoul Indie-AniFest is known for championing the values of independence, experimentation, passion, and vision. The festival aims to support independent animators by providing a platform for diverse voices and creative expression. This year’s edition will feature a rich variety of works and foster an engaging dialogue between filmmakers and audiences.
The creative team behind The Route includes Babak Beigi, who served as the writer, director, character designer, storyboard artist, animator, editor, colorist, and producer, alongside producers Raha Zandiyeh and Pooria Khalaj Tehrani. Their dedication and collaborative spirit have resulted in a hauntingly beautiful film that resonates with audiences around the world.
The film’s journey through the international festival circuit continues to gain momentum, with each selection serving as an opportunity to reach new audiences and spark conversations about its powerful themes of duty, despair, and humanity.
We look forward to seeing The Route engage with audiences at Seoul Indie-AniFest and beyond, and we are excited to see where this remarkable film goes next.